The ferry I took was by far the biggest boat I had ever been on, 500 meters according to some dudes I met. Speaking of them, I was sleeping on the floor of a room with six other guys in one of the boat's dormitories/ I ended up drinking with all of them them until early in the morning. I bought some duty-free alcohol at the ferry terminal - two bottles of soju and six cans of Hite for under 8.00 USD. We drank it all. It made sleeping a lot easier, but walking up the stairs of the the pitching boat was nearly impossible. One of the guys was a 67-year-old artist who outdrank me like a champ and had to be carried up the stairs by two of the other guys at the end of the night.
After arriving, my new friends "Mr. Jo," a motorcycle mechanic, and Jae, a well-traveled Korean in his later twenties took me to a guesthouse in Fukuoka that caters to the many Korean tourists here. It's owned by a Korean woman and cleaned by her mother. There are four-bedroom dormitories and free laundry, all at the low low price of 250 JY (~ a little more than 25.00 USD) per night. We slept there only one night, and oh, what a night.